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Superstitions About Howling Dogs
Superstition is defined as a belief that is not based on reason or knowledge, but blindly accepted. It is an irrational belief founded on ignorance or fear of the unknown or mysterious. Most cultures, including the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans viewed a howling dog as an omen of something ominous. Many of these […]
Some animals that live in Portugal are the wild goat, wild pig, fox, Iberian hare, wolf, lynx and deer. Portugal lies on the winter migration route of western and central European bird species, so many birds can be seen in the peninsula. Conservation Since Portugal joined the EU, massive redevelopment with money from the EU […]
Middle East
The Middle East is the region of Western Asia and North Africa. It includes Egypt, Israel, Iran and Turkey, among others. Sometimes Afghanistan and Pakistan are also included in the Middle East. The Middle East is home to two major deserts – the Arabian desert and the Syrian desert. Animals in these deserts can survive […]