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Natural Flea Remedies
Some of us are lucky and experience flea season only during spring and summer. However for many of us flea season is a year-round occurrence. There are natural ways to fight fleas and although they may take a bit more effort, they do work. There are 4 stages in the life cycle of a flea. […]
Protect Your Pets From Sunburn
There’s nothing like a good tan to make us look healthy. But in recent years skin cancers have been on the rise. Humans have now learned how to protect themselves from sunburn and dangerous sun rays. And we’ve discovered that our pets also need protection from harmful sun rays. Pets that are most affected by […]
Bladder Stones in Dogs and Cats
Pets rarely suffer from kidney stones, but can have the more common bladder stones. These stones often pass into the urethra. They can be different sizes and there can be one or more. If the stones are small enough, they can be passed. Larger ones can cause an obstruction in the lower urinary tract. There […]