Ever wonder why your dog does the things he does? Scientists have only recently begun studying dog behavior seriously. Dog owners all know that their dogs are intelligent and can understand them pretty well. Researchers are studying how much of the anecdotal stories can be proven scientifically and whether dogs’ behavior has been modified as a result of living closely with humans. They claim that humans may misinterpret dog behavior, seeing the dog’s actions through the prism of human behavior. Understanding a dog’s behavior opens up the possibilities of modifying it or simply reacting appropriately.
Dog behavior articles:
- "Stop and Smell the Roses"
- A Dog’s Ear Messages
- A Dog’s Language
- A Dog’s Reaction to a Stranger’s Touch
- Adopting a Feral Dog
- Adopting a Puppy Mill Pup
- Advice on Dog Training
- Are Male and Females Dogs Different
- Assessing a Pet’s Temperament
- Boredom Busters for Dogs
- Breaking Up a Cat and Dog Fight
- Calm Your Dog
- Can Your Dog Imitate You
- Canine Compulsive Disorder
- Canine Fly-Snapping Syndrome
- Children’s Behavior with Dogs
- Choosing a Family Dog
- Choosing the Right Age Dog
- Controlling Aggression in Dogs
- Controlling Excessive Barking
- Counter Surfing Food Stealing Dogs
- DAID Training for Dogs
- Dealing with Separation Anxiety in Dogs
- Depression in Cats and Dogs
- Digging Dogs
- Do Dogs Have Phobias
- Do Dogs Really Kiss?
- Do Dogs Recognize Human Faces
- Do Dogs Recognize Our Facial Expressions
- Do Dogs Understand Our Words
- Do Our Pets Enjoy Being Our One and Onlys
- Do Pets Recognize Littermates
- Do You Really Want a Smart Dog
- Does Your Dog Chew Wood?
- Does Your Dog Eat Too Fast
- Does Your Dog Watch TV
- Dog Barking
- Dog Bites at Dog Parks
- Dog Friendships
- Dog Toy Safety
- Dog Training
- Dog to Dog Communication
- Doggie Licks and Kisses
- Dogs Chasing Cats
- Dogs Eating Dirt
- Dogs Make Their Own Beds
- Dogs Who "Mouth"
- Dogs Who Howl/Whine
- Dogs Who May Bite
- Dogs and Mean People
- Effects of What We Wear on Dogs
- Feeding Your Dog Dos and Don’ts
- Fielding Your Runaway Dog
- Fixing Food Aggression
- Giving Your Dog Treats
- Grass-Eating Dogs
- Happy Tail Syndrome
- Help for Destructive Chewing
- High Energy Dogs
- How Do You Greet Your Dog
- How Paws Communicate
- How to Introduce a Cat to Your Dog at Home
- How to Manage Multiple Dogs
- How to Prepare Your Pet for a New Baby
- How to Safely Play Tug of War
- Introducing a Dog to a home with a Cat
- Is Your Dog a Stalker
- Is Your Puppy Too Aggressive
- Know Your Dog’s Personality
- Laid-Back Dogs
- Leash-Biting Dogs
- Letting Your Dog Off Leash
- Long-Term Effects of Abuse to Dogs
- Long-Term Effects of Fear in Dogs
- Loose Leash Walking
- Male Dogs and Marking
- Massaging Your Dog’s Ears
- Message and Breakaway Collars for Dogs
- Mind Your Manners at Dog Parks
- More About Your Dog’s Personality
- Petting Dogs on the Head
- Preventing Dog Bites
- Repeating Commands
- Resource Guarding Dogs
- Senior Dog Behavioral Changes
- Shelter Buddies Reading Program
- Signs of a Dog in Heat
- Slits on a Dog’s Nose
- Small Dogs Fighting withs Large Dogs
- Socializing Your Pup
- Stop An Off-Leash Dog Running At You
- Submissive/Excitement Urination in Dogs
- Summer’s Over Doggie Blues
- Teaching Your Dog the Stay Command
- Trained Dog that Poops in the House
- Trainers and Classes for Dogs
- Wagging Tails
- What’s in a Dog’s Name
- What Your Dog’s Eyes Communicate
- What a Dog’s Bark Means
- What to Do When Dogs Fight
- When Dogs Don’t Like Each Other
- When Dogs Stare
- When the New Dog Arrives
- Why Do Dogs Bury Their Bones?
- Why Do Dogs and Cats Yawn
- Why Dogs Chase Cars
- Why Dogs Drink from the Toilet
- Why Dogs Growl
- Why Dogs Lean on Their Humans
- Why Dogs Lift Their Legs to Urinate
- Why Dogs Protect Their Paws
- Why Dogs Roll in Stinky Stuff
- Why Dogs Sniff Butts
- Why Dogs and Cats Sleep Curled Up
- Why a Dog Rolls in Stinky Stuff
- Why is Your Dog Growling at You
- Will Your Dog Accept Muzzling