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Asian Frogs in Danger
Pollution affects not only humans. Animals of all kinds are subject to the same ills. Frogs are extremely sensitive to environmental changes and in Asia, species are becoming extinct before they are even identified. Other contributing factors to the problem of worldwide extinction of many amphibians are disease and habitat encroachment by humans. All animal […]
Horse Virus Outbreak
There has been an outbreak of a deadly horse virus – herpes virus-1. It is highly contagious and can be fatal. The virus was discovered at the National Cutting Horse Association’s Western National Championships in Ogden, Utah. There were 400 horses participating in the events lasting from April 30 through May 8. Since the event, […]
Teach Your Little Critter Tricks
Even small pets – rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, rats, gerbils and hamsters – can learn to do tricks. In order to teach your pet, you must first gain his trust. Spend time with your pet, get him used to your touch and the sound of your voice. Get to know your pet’s reaction to you […]