Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Iran (Persia) Coat Type: silky, long fur with soft undercoat Color: solid, silver & golden, shaded & smoke, tabby, bicolor & particolor Temperament: calm, quiet, affectionate, gets along with other pets Where does the Persian come from? The Persian cat is originally from Iran, once known as Persia. There may […]
Iranian Cats
This is the category page for cats from Iran.

Chinchilla persian
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Iran (Persia) Coat Type: silky, long fur with soft undercoat Color: silver, blue & golden, shaded & chinchilla, with green eyes Temperament: calm, affectionate, more playful and smart than regular Persians Cat of the Month for December Chinchilla Persian is highly intelligent as well as cuddly and affectionate. It’s sweet, […]