Cat Articles Cat Care Cat Health Dog Articles Dog Care Dog Health Horse Articles Horse Health Pet Health Special Needs

Living with a Lame Pet

If your pet is lame, either temporarily or permanently, you will have to make some changes in its care. Caring for a lame dog Lameness in dogs is very common and can be due to injury or a chronic condition. The first thing to do when you notice this problem is to take your dog […]

Cat Health Dog Health

Laser Therapy for Pets

Laser therapy has proven effective in treating arthritis in dogs, cats, horses and other pets. It has given relief to an estimated 90% or more of geriatric and arthritis patients. Cold laser therapy uses light to stimulate cells and increase blood circulation. The Class IV lasers allow better penetration in a shorter amount of time. […]

Cat Articles Cat Health

How do I treat ear mites in cats?

If your cat scratches his ears frequently or shakes his head, the problem could be ear mites. Ear mites are tiny parasites that can cause yeast and bacterial infections. If left untreated, the ear drum could rupture resulting in seizures or deafness. Ear mites are highly contagious and can be passed to other pets in […]

Alerts Cat Health New

FDA – Reactions to NSAIDs

The FDA has issued the following advisory regarding reactions to NSAIDs. NSAIDs are not approved in the U.S. for long-term use in cats. The FDA has also placed a warning label on Metacam for use in cats. NSAIDs in veterinary use include carprofen (Rimadyl), indomethacin, etodolac (EctoGesic), meloxicam (metacam), zubrin (tepoxalin), previcox (firocoxilin), Novox (generic […]

Cat Health

FDA Warning – Vet Jet Device

The FDA warns that there is a possible risk of fractures to cats with the use of the Vet Jet transdermal vaccination system device. The device, made by Bioject Inc., is sold exclusively as the delivery system for the Merial product, Purevax, a feline leukemia vaccine. The vaccination is delivered throught the skin. Three adverse […]

Cat Health Dog Health Featured Pet Health

FDA – Beware Online Pet Meds

The following is an article from the FDA on the danger of buying pet medications online and how to safely do so. “Discount pet drugsā€”no prescription required” may appeal to pet owners surfing the Web, but FDA experts say it can be risky to buy drugs online from sites that tout this message and others […]

Cat Articles Cat Health

The Pregnant Cat

First signs of pregnancy in a cat occur about 3 weeks after mating.Gestation in cats is 9 weeks, about 65 days. The number of kittens will determine how much the abdomen will become distended. During the last 3 weeks the kittens will put on much weight. If you’re unsure about the pregnancy it’s advisable for […]

Cat Articles Cat Health News

The Bionic Cat

A cat in England met with a terrible accident when his legs were severed by a combine harvester while he was dozing in the sun. Oscar’s local vet in Jersey referred him to Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick in Surrey after the accident last October. Dr. Fitzpatrick, a veterinary surgeon, implanted two prosthetic limbs in an operation […]

All Pets Cat Articles Cat Health Dog Articles Dog Health Pet Safety

Passive Smoking Is Dangerous for Pets

If you smoke at home, you could be putting your pets at risk for cancer. A 2002 study showed that cats exposed to second-hand smoke were twice as likely to develop the disease. If they were exposed for five years or more, the risk tripled. Cats are at risk because the smoke clings to their […]

All Pets Cat Articles Cat Health Dog Articles Dog Health Pet Health

Shedding – Causes and Help

All animals shed to a degree. The amount of shedding and regrowth of hair varies with age, breed, environment and health. Dogs normally shed twice a year, in spring and fall. Shedding is a normal process that rids the coat of dead hair. Shedding in the spring allows the dog to rid itself of its […]