Cat Health News Pet Health

Dog’s Blood Saves Cat

A cat in New Zealand was suspected of eating rat poison. The owner rushed the cat to the vet’s office, but it was too late in the day to match and obtain cat’s blood. Dog’s blood was available at the time and was used to transfuse the cat and save its life. Cats do not […]

Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

Vital Signs in Dogs and Cats

It’s very important for pet people to know the normal vital signs of their pets. In case of illness or emergency, the more information you have, the better able your veterinarian will be to treat your pet. Dogs The normal heart rate for dogs is between 70-160 beat per minute. Respiration for dogs is 10-30 […]

Cat Diseases Cat Health

Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Cats

Cerebellar Hypoplasia, CH, is a neurological condition affecting balance. With CH, the cerebellum, which is the part of the brain that controls coordination and fine motor skills, has not developed normally. Causes of CH can be trauma to kittens in the womb, disease to the mother such as bacterial infections, viral infections (feline panleukopenia) during […]

Cat Health

Oral Contraception for Cats

Please read: Update on Feline Contraceptive FeralStat Oral contraception for cats can be an alternative method of controlling population in the feral cat community. According to some reports, birth control pills for pets have been around for a good many years. The advantage of pills or injections is that they are a non-surgical procedure. But […]

Cat Articles Cat Health

Feline Oral Contraceptive

Please read: Update on Feline Contraceptive FeralStat There is, fianlly, a feline oral contraceptive called FERALSTAT on the market. FeralStat has been used in humans since the early 1950s. Veterinarians have prescribed it for skin problems, urinary tract infections and behavioral disorders in cats for more than 30 years. It is simple to administer – […]

Cat Health

L-Carnitine for Dieting Cats

L-Carnitine is a nutrient that carries fatty acids to cells and is very important in helping cells produce energy. It is mainly produced in the liver and kidneys. The highest concentration of L-Carnitine is found in meat and chicken – the redder the meat, the higher the amount. Cats deficient in L-Carnitine can develop heart […]

Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

When Your Pet Stops Eating

In the wild, animals are not always successful in catching their food and may have to go hungry for a day or two. But our pets have become accustomed to regular daily meals. So when a pet is not eating much or not eating at all, it is cause for concern. If your pet refuses […]

Cat Health Dog Health Pet Health

Dogs and Cats Allergic to Humans

Dogs and cats can have the same or similar allergies as humans. They can be allergic to insect bites (I have one of those), molds, dust, pollen, food and so on. It isn’t only the flu we share – just as we can be allergic to pets, they can develop allergies to us. We humans […]

Cat Health

Plants Toxic to Cats

Here is a partial list of flowers, plants and trees toxic to cats. For a complete listing, please go to the ASPCA website Aloe Amaryllis Yew Apple and Crabapple trees Apricot Tree Lilly Family of plants Asparagus Fern Avocado Azalea Baby’s Breath Bird of Paradise Boxwood Ivy Family of plants Buttercup Caladium Gardenia/Cape Jasmine Privet […]

Cat Health Cat Products

Feeding Problems in Multiple-pet Households

UNEXPECTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS NOT KNOWN I’ve heard it said that when one door closes, another opens. From adversity comes light. This is the story of how one rescued cat ended up rescuing a world of multiple-pet owners. FROM DOGS TO CATS After a lifetime of dog ownership, we ended up with two cats. Well, […]