Researchers at Sydney, Australia’s Kolling Institute have developed and tested a vaccine on 30 dogs with advanced melanoma, bone cancer and liver cancer. So far the results have been positive, slowing the growth of the original tumors and helping to prevent others from occurring. Dr. Chris Weir, who developed the vaccine, used dogs because their […]

VAS in Cats
VAS is Vacine-Associated Sarcoma. A common cancer at the site of the vaccination is the aggressive fibrosarcoma although other malignant cancers can develop as well – histiocytomas, osteosarcomas, liposarcomas, chondrosarcomas and so on. These cancers are rarely found in cats that have not been vaccinated. Cats seem to have more of a susceptibility to VAS. […]

Ongoing Cancer Trials Give Hope
1. Auburn University’s Dr. Bruce Smith, director of the Research Initiative in Cancer unit, has been awarded a 2 year grant by the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation for cancer research. A hepatitis virus vaccine has been modified to make copies of itself inside bone cancer cells, releasing thousands of copies of the virus […]

Update on Spaying and Cancer
Mammary tumors are the most common type of tumor in unspayed female dogs. Fortunately most of these tumors have proven to be benign., the Although the latest research shows that early spaying may increase the risk of joint problems and other cancers, it is interesting to learn the effect on mammary tumors. A large percentage […]

Cancer in Birds
The incidence of cancer in birds is somewhat high. Causes and treatment often depend on the species of bird. Birds can suffer from a variety of cancers – lymphomas, melanomas, carcinomas. Parakeets, budgies and cockatiels appear to be more prone to cancer than other species of bird. Budgies under 5 years old can have kidney, […]

Cancer in Horses
Fortunately cancer is relatively rare in horses. Early detection of some cancers can be found during routine blood work because of certain secretions. These secretions are generally due to an internal cancer. Swiss researchers continue to study this means of early detection. Here is a list of some of the cancers that though rare, can […]

Pros and Cons of Trials for Cancer
In order to find a method of treatment or cure for cancer, trials are funded to help with research. Most trials are held at universities with veterinary schools. Dr. Demian Dressler, an expert in the field of cancer in dogs explained on his website, Dog Cancer News, the pros and cons of such trials. Pros: […]

Dr. Dressler and MCP for Cancer
From Dr. Demian Dressler’s Dog Cancer News site. Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is a pectin extracted from citrus fruit peels. Pectin is the thickening ingredient used in foods such as jams, jellies and pastries. The FDA regards pectin as a safe substance with low risks of bad reactions. When taken by mouth, little of the […]

Propolis-Hopeful Cancer Fighter
Natural substances produced by honeybees when they ingest the nectar of flowers may prove to have anti-cancer properties. Honey has very little water content and bacteria can barely live in that environment. A study was conducted on mice before being injected with lung tumor cells. Propolin, royal jelly, caffeic acid, honey and bee venom were […]

Journal of AVMA -New Study Administering Chemo for OSA
The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has reported on a study in their September 1, 2012 issue that found a single dose of carboplatin, a chemotherapy drug, given subcutaneously immediately after surgery has resulted in similar survival times and effects as traditional chemotherapy protocols for Osteosarcoma (OSA – bone cancer). With traditional […]