Most of us have experienced the heartache of losing a pet, sometimes to old age, sometimes to to disease or accident. Those pets that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge will always be remembered. Now we have a special day set aside to honor those memories – World Pet Memorial Day. It takes place on […]
The loss of a pet can be very difficult on all members of the family. Psychologists recognize that the loss of a pet is just as difficult as the death of a person. Unfortunately, society does not recognize this fact and may not give people permission to grieve openly.
The death of a pet can be a painful time especially for children, who may also have questions about mortality and the afterlife. Single people and childless couples, who raised a pet instead of a child, may feel particularly bereft.
The articles below offer advice as well as recount personal stories. They also address the technical decisions which must be made regarding burial and memorials.

Signs from Our Angels
When our pets make their final journey to the Rainbow Bridge, many of us receive signs from them once they have crossed over to that world where they are now running painfree and happy. The bonds we have with them cannot be broken by death. The following are stories from those that have received signs […]
Log of Timo’s Fight with Cancer
Timo, my beloved Rottweiler has osteosarcoma, bone cancer. It was discovered quite by accident as she showed no signs of illness although she’s been checked regularly by my vet. One day, the beginning of December, 2008, Timo and my German Shepherd, Quanah, were playing when Quanah accidentally stepped on Timo’s right front leg. Timo let […]

Memorials for Pets
The recent loss of my beloved Timo made me think of how we can remember our pets after they cross the Rainbow Bridge. I chose to place Timo in her favorite spot in my garden. We covered her grave with beautiful stones and I placed a plant in the center. A headstone or plaque can […]

Pet Cremation Options
Where will you go when the time comes to say good-bye to your beloved pet? Most people will go to their trusted Pet Care Provider who will hopefully usher them through this crossroads of emotion and decision making with love, support and dignity. Surprisingly, this is not often the case. Recently when I picked up […]

Help Your Child Cope with the Loss of a Pet
The loss of a pet is very difficult and may be even harder for children who don’t have a full understanding of death and may never have experienced it before. As a parent, you must be the judge of how much information your children can handle about death and the loss of their pet. Speak […]

Euthanasia – Time to Say Goodbye
Whether the loss of your pet occurs suddenly or you know it will be soon, your grief is overwhelming. Euthanasia – it can be viewed as an ugly word or a gift of love. The word euthanasia comes from Greek meaning well or good death. However one feels about it, euthanasia evokes very strong feelings. […]

Do Pets Mourn Lost Friends?
Although scientists say they do not know if pets grieve, many pet owners swear their pet has mourned the loss of a loved one. Pets can become extremely attached to each other. Even when it seems as if the animals don’t get along, when one dies the other may exhibit symptoms of stress. Pets may […]

Dealing with Children, Elderly and Disabled on Loss of a Pet
The loss of a pet is as traumatic for us as losing any loved one. Children, the elderly and disabled face the same feelings although they may see loss a bit differently. There are ways to help when dealing with grief that can make the loss easier to bear. Children need reassurance. Phrases such as […]

When to put a pet to sleep
Final Goodbyes – Euthanasia in pets There comes a time in every animal owner´s life when you have to make some very difficult decisions and say your final goodbyes to a beloved pet. This decision is never easy to come to but it is one of the most important ones you will ever make for […]