Signs from Our Angels

When our pets make their final journey to the Rainbow Bridge, many of us receive signs from them once they have crossed over to that world where they are now running painfree and happy. The bonds we have with them cannot be broken by death. The following are stories from those that have received signs in many different forms, from their dogs who returned to let them know that they are okay.

NOTE: Special thanks to our member, Liz Dealey, who took the time to gather and enter all the stories. Liz, you are very much appreciated.

A penny story…
We had to help our black lab, Shadow, journey to the bridge almost 3 years ago. My entire family went (husband, parents, brother). When we got back to my parent’s house late that evening, I noticed a stuffed duck on the floor that Shadow loved to play with. The duck used to quack, but after being washed too many times the computer chip in the duck no longer worked (it didn’t work for the last year). As soon as I picked up the duck, it quacked a few times. All of us tried to get it to quack and it did not quack again that night or since then. We all agreed that Shadow was telling us that she was ok up in Heaven at Rainbow Bridge and was already running free and chasing the ducks. Through the tears, it still made me smile. Hope this helps.

Ellen & Charley

Ellen Venturella-Wilson, MS, OTR/L

Specialized Pediatric Occupational Therapy, LLC

~Specializing in Oral-Motor and Feeding Disorders~

I hadn’t told anyone but one friend, my co-workers and family about Telly before she passed last Friday. Even since then I’ve only told a couple of clients who’s dogs were Telly’s good friends in daycare. On Wednesday I told the owner of Telly’s main boyfriend- who is a 7 pound shorkie named Teddy, that she had passed. I get into work today and there is a package from her and a few cards. This is what the note said (keep in mind the saturday mentioned is the day after Telly passed and she did not know yet):

“I want to share with you something that happened this past Saturday. Teddy was napping on our bedroom patio that has a garden of various flowers. A blue butterfly rested on one of my rose bushes-in seconds he flew to Teddy and landed on his head. Teddy did not wake then a few seconds later a second butterfly (yellow) went to the same bush then flew to Teddy and landed on his paw. Teddy still sleeping. The blue butterfly went away and the yellow butterfly has been in our garden since. Call me crazy, I had no idea about Telly passing. After I received the news about her I went to the hallmark store and I walked in and saw the globe. I really want to believe Telly is our yellow butterfly watching over Teddy. I’ll definitely have my camera ready in the future.”

Now here’s the amazing part- the water globe she bought for me has a big rose in the center with one blue and one yellow butterfly. Then later today, a friend who I hadn’t even told this story to yet, emailed another butterfly story out of the blue. I’m just going to believe those are signs from her.

Nicole McBride

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