Have you ever wondered why your cat behaves a certain way? In recent decades, scientific research has shed light on many aspects of cat behavior. This information can be used to improve our relationships with our cats as well as to improve their quality of life. Although some behaviors are common to all cats, each cat has an individual personality which influences his behavior. Cat behavior includes body language, sounds, eating patterns and social behavior.
Cat Behavior articles:
- A Cat’s Ears
- A Cat’s Purr
- A Cat’s Tail
- A Closer Bond With Your Cat
- A Kitten’s Developmental Stages
- All About Cats’ Paws
- Are Cats Really Domesticated
- Book Review: Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?
- Breaking Up a Cat and Dog Fight
- Can Cats Be Clicker Trained?
- Can Cats and Birds Live Together?
- Cat Breeds That Get Along With Dogs
- Cat Heroes
- Cat Training
- Cat Wins Hero Dog Award
- Cats-Defining Feral and Stray or Homeless
- Cats Marking
- Cats Urinating Everywhere but the Litter Box
- Cats and Kids
- Cats and Their Vocalizations
- Cats and Toilet Paper
- Cats as Mousers
- Connecting With a Cool Cat
- Danger of Knitting Yarn for Cats
- Depression in Cats and Dogs
- Do Cats Like People Who Don’t Like Them
- Do Cats Really Fear Water?
- Do Cats Show Love
- Do Our Pets Enjoy Being Our One and Onlys
- Does Coat Color Predict A Cat’s Behavior
- Does Your Cat Like to Hide?
- Does Your Cat Need a Friend
- Fraidy Cats
- General Cat Care
- How Can Cats Jump So High
- How Did My Cat Get Into That
- How Does Catnip Work?
- How Well Do Cats Hear
- How to Manage with Multiple Cats
- How to Prepare Your Pet for a New Baby
- How to Stop Cat Fights
- Interesting Facts About a Cat’s Brain
- Is Your Cat a Bully?
- Is Your Cat a Night Owl
- Kindergarten for Kittens
- Laser Pointers-Good or Bad for Cats
- Lip Curl in Cats
- Moving Homes with Outdoor Cats
- OCD and Cats
- Scruffing for Cats
- Separation Anxiety in Cats
- Signs of a Cat in Heat
- Socializing Your Kitten
- Speedy Domestic Cats
- Taming Feral Kittens/Cats
- Train Your Cat to Come When Called
- Train Your Cat to Sleep at Night
- Why Cats Climb Trees
- Why Cats Lick
- Why Do Cats Bite During Petting
- Why Do Cats Hoard Object and Bring Us "Gifts"
- Why Do Cats Knead?
- Why Do Cats Knock Things Over
- Why Do Cats Roll Over
- Why Do Cats Scratch and Rub?
- Why Do Dogs and Cats Yawn
- Why Dogs and Cats Sleep Curled Up
- Why Your Cat Sleeps on Your Head