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Meals on Wheels for Pets
Across the United States, Meals on Wheels has fed low-income families, senior citizens and disabled people for many years. Some of the volunteers delivering the meals noticed that the recipients were giving their food to their pets. They were denying themselves sustenance in order to keep their pets from starving. The volunteers brought this to […]
NCCF-New Hemangiosarcoma Research Study
Gary Nice, President and CEO of the National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF), has exciting news about a hemangiosarcoma research project. Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a difficult cancer to diagnosis. It is often found too late to save the dog. NCCF has initiated the research project led by Dr. Elizabeth Plihar, D.V.M., PhD and John Ohlfest, PhD. […]
FDA Proposed Rules for Animal Food
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