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The Glowing Cat – All About Cat Eyes
If you’ve ever seen a cat’s eyes in the dark, they appear to glow. Unlike humans who need artificial or moon light to see in the dark, cats can see using only 1/6 of the light humans require. In low light cat’s pupils open very wide. In bright sunlight they are able to contract and […]
FDA Repeats Caution on Chicken Jerky Products
The U.S. Federal Drug Administration continues to caution dog owners about chicken jerky products. They can be sold as chicken tenders, strips or treats. The FDA reports that in the last 12 months, there has been an increase in reports of dog illnesses associated with chicken jerky products from China. Consumers feeding their dogs chicken […]
Health Issues with White Cats
White cats enjoy a special admiration because of their snowy coats that seem to sparkle. Their names often reflect their coloring and include Snowball, Caspar (for the ghost) and Puff (for powderpuffs). But along with their beauty, some problems can arise. They may have genetic defects caused by a deterioration of the inner ear. They […]