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Hanoverians are a horse breed originating in Northern Germany in the former kingdom of Hanover now known as Lower Saxony. They were bred 200 years ago as carriage and military horses. After World War II, breeders concentrated on developing a versatile horse with athletic abilities, conformation as well as desirable traits of good dispositions and […]
Canadian Seal Slaughter 2012
The cruel, inhumane slaughter of seals is about to begin in Canada. This year the Canadian government has set the harp seal kill quota at the unconscionable number of 400,000. How can the Canadian government justify the slaughter of seals and allow the killing in such a massive number? With the meltdown of sea ice, […]
Selkirk Rex
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: United States Coat Type: short or long, soft, thick, loose curls Color: All colors of cat Temperament: very affectionate, playful, loves people Where does the Selkirk Rex come from? Thanks to the breeding efforts of Jeri Newman of Montana, a Persian breeder, the Selkirk Rex was developed. In 1987, when […]