Tossing Time for Pet Stuff – it’s that time to check your pet supplies . Just as we humans go through our closets and dressers at regular intervals, we must do the same for our pets . Veterinarians advise that cleaning and repairing or tossing out equipment is an important step in keeping your pet […]
Author: mamairis
Rotovirus (ERV) in Foals
Diarrhea is a major cause of disease in foals. Veterinarians are more concerned with the causes of diarrhea, particularly rotovirus (ERV) with its high mortality rates. Rotavirus is a worldwide problem, but vets in the United States are seeing more cases. The higher numbers are occurring inall areas, especially California, Kentucky, New York and Texas, […]

Teach Your Dog the U-Turn
While it may sound like driving a car, teaching your dog the u-turn can save both of you a lot of aggravation or worse. The idea of the u-turn is to have your dog turn in whichever direction you want to go without having to yank on the leash. Knowing the command to u-turn becomes […]

Dogs Who Scoot
Invariably, your darling dog will drag his/her bottom across your favorite/most expensive rug/carpet. And your dog often chooses to do this in front of guests, which is embarrassing for not but certainly not for your dog. It’s not deliberate and a dog will scoot outdoors as well, especially on soft grass. Scooting usually means that […]