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Bald Eagle – National U.S. Emblem
The Bald Eagle, a most majestic bird, is native to North America. Its habitat ranges in areas of rivers, lakes and seacoasts. The American Bald Eagle was removed from the Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants list of the Interior Department in June of 2007. The Bald Eagle is still protected by the Migratory Bird […]
Contraceptives for Wild Horses and Burros
In our article, Feral Horse and Burro Roundups, we mention research and experimentation with contraception in wild horses and burros. The EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, as of February, 2013, has approved the use of the immunocontraceptive vaccine, GonaCon for use. The vaccine was developed by scientists working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services’ […]
ASPCA-Gag Bills
2014 Idaho is the 7th state to pass an “ag-gag” law. These dangerous laws make it illegal to expose abusive conditions on factory farms and make it easier to hide animal cruelty from the public. Signed into law by Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter, the anti-whistleblower bill punishes anyone who exposes the horrific conditions for […]