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Westminster Dog Show – 2014
The 138th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show took place on February 10th and 11th this year. Held at Madison Square Garden in New York City, 190 dog breeds were represented and there were 2,845 contestants, the largest show since 1990. Dogs from all 50 states and 127 foreign countries were entered in the event. There […]
NCCF-New Hemangiosarcoma Research Study
Gary Nice, President and CEO of the National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF), has exciting news about a hemangiosarcoma research project. Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a difficult cancer to diagnosis. It is often found too late to save the dog. NCCF has initiated the research project led by Dr. Elizabeth Plihar, D.V.M., PhD and John Ohlfest, PhD. […]
Seasonal Danger – Antifreeze
Autumn is here bringing with it the beautiful colors of foliage for us to enjoy. But there is a very real danger to pets in this season. As the weather changes, we prepare our homes and our cars for cold weather. One of those changes includes putting antifreeze in our cars. Most antifreeze contains a […]