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HSUS News – Extreme Confinement for Cows
The Ohio Livestock Care Standard Board reversed its decision of last month and voted to phase out the extreme confinement of veal calves. The Board received over 4,700 comments in favor of stronger humane standards. See more: Animal Rights and Your Food Ohio Governor Kasich’s team has allowed an emergency rule on the private ownership […]
L’Oreal Helps End Animal Testing
L’Oreal is the largest beauty and cosmetics company in the world. The HSUS tells us that for years L’Oreal has been involved in developing safe testing of their products without using animals. L’Oreal has provided the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with funds to test their methods and assess the safety in cosmetics. In a March […]
Another Companion Animal Act Hopeful
The No Kill Advocacy Center reports that Minnesota lawmaker, Representative John Benson, has introduced shelter reform legislation, joining New York State in the fight to save animals. The legislation is called the Companion Animal Protection Act (CAPA), House File 1735. Here are a few highlights from the CAPA bill: End “convenience” killing when there are […]