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Zinc Toxicity in Pets
Zinc is an important mineral for both humans and animals to maintain good health. But zinc is necessary only in very small amounts. Ingestion of excessive amounts of zinc can lead to poisoning. Zinc becomes toxic when released by stomach acids. It is then absorbed and travels to other parts of the body such as […]
Turkish Angora
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Turkey Coat Type: medium long, soft, silky, no undercoat Color: white, black, blue, black smoke, blue smoke, tabby patterns Temperament: affectionate, curious, intelligent, like water & bathing Where does the Turkish Angora come from? The first long-haired cats to appear in Europe were from Angora, now Ankara, Turkey. The Angoras […]
Living Clay
Living Clay (Calcium Montmorillonate), also known as Edible Detox Clay, is an Ayurvedic remedy. Ayurveda is believed to be the oldest healing science. The word, Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit – ayus meaning life or lifespan and veda meaning knowledge. Practiced in India for over 5,000 years, it is a holistic approach to preventing and treating […]