When deciding to bring a dog or cat into your home, have you thought about adopting a senior pet? Many people immediately think of choosing a puppy or a kitten. They’re so cute and cuddly and hard to resist. But these little bundles of fur need lots of patience and training and their personalities take time to develop.
Adopting a senior dog or cat has many advantages. While your time together may be shorter, you would be giving a home to a pet in need of love and attention and willing to give back more than he/she receives.
Senior pets are usually spayed or neutered, which is a major savings. They are house-trained and generally have good manners and understand the basic commands. They are not destructive, chewing only appropriate things. Because of their calm demeanor, they can make great therapy pets. This also makes them excellent pets for human seniors. Health issues are usually minimal and easily dealt with. A senior’s personality is easily determined. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is an old wives tale that isn’t true. Pets can be trained at any age.
Older dogs and cats are excellent pets for children. They are calmer, usually are trained in the basic commands and more tolerant of children. An added advantage is that they are often protective of their charges.
Senior pets are usually the first to be euthanized in shelters because adoption is slow and shelters are generally overcrowded. In return for adopting a senior, you would be receiving a loving companion. Senior pets teach us to live life every day and enjoy each moment. Consider adopting a senior – you’ll have the privilege of saving a pet’s life and sharing that life with a loyal friend.
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