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Detecting Early Heart Disease
The risk of heart disease in pets generally rises with age. However there can be genetics involved. Heart disease is often referred to as a “silent killer” as diagnosis may be made too late to save the pet. The most common heart diseases seen in pets are: Mitral Valve Disease – a leaky valve allowing […]
Aquatic Pets
More marine species are being domesticated today than ever before. One reason is the growth of demand for food sources. Another is the demand for new and interesting pets. Aquatic pets can be a great addition to your household. These are not pets to handle and play with, but rather to observe. They can provide […]
French Heartworm
There are several types of worms that can infect our pets. Angiostrongylus vasorum known also as lungworm and French heartworm is a parasite that can live and infect the pulmonary arteries and right ventricle of the heart of wild and domestic canines – wolves, foxes, coyotes and dogs. It was discovered in Toulouse, France in […]