What Dog Clippers Suit Your Pet The Best?

If your pet needs special grooming on a regular basis, a way to save some money is to invest in a good set of dog clippers and do it yourself. There are a lot of different types of clippers to choose from. Some are even breed specific. You also have a choice between cordless dog clippers, manual clippers or electric clippers. Before purchasing there are some things to consider.

  1. Price – It is recommended that you invest in a good set of clippers, rather than opt for less expensive models. Reports from dog owners show that low-priced clippers cannot provide correct clipping performance. The lifespan of these types of clippers are short and don’t provide optimal performance. In the long run, it pays in invest in a good pair of clippers.
  2. Efficiency – How large is the blade? How many passes will you need in order to get the job done? Depending on your dog’s size, choose a clipper that will not have you spending hours getting you dog clipped.
  3. Variable Length Attachments – Getting dog shears with exchangeable length attachments can be handy. By making use of one set of clippers, you can groom the coats of your dog in any of its body parts, any breed of dog, at any time.
  4. Extra Clipper Blades – When buying clippers, see if the that you purchase includes extra sets of blades. Buying a kit like that can save the cost of blades in the long run.

Taking proper care of your dog hair clippers will ensure their longevity. Make sure you only perform clipping if your dog is thoroughly clean. Make sure to bathe your dog prior to grooming. Shears should be cleaned and lubricated after each use. This will ensure the longevity of your clippers

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