Dwarf Angelfish are native to the coral reefs of the world, where they feed on algae and small plants and animals. Most Dwarf Angelfish live in pairs, although some species are solitary. These fish are classified as hermaphroditic because they are born as females and the dominant fish change sex to become males. Males are typically bigger, but it is hard to tell the difference between the sexes.
To keep Dwarf Angelfish at home, provide an environment similar to their native habitat by providing rocks and caves inside the aquarium. Water temperature should be between 74° F and 80° F, salinity range from 1.020 to 1.026 and dKH or carbonate hardness levels in the 8 – 12 range. Dwarf Angelfish should be quarantined before they are placed in a tank with other fish, to make sure they aren’t carrying parasites.
Feed these fish commercial algae or algae sheets, blanched spinach or lettuce, herbivore food pellets, marine flakes, bloodworms and live or frozen brine shrimp.
Dwarf Angelfish can be aggressive toward each other so it is best to keep only one in each tank. They can be territorial, so it is best to introduce them to the tank once the other fish are already established.
- Andaman Damselfish
- Arabian (Orange) Dottyback
- Asful (Arabian) Angelfish
- Australian Anemonefish
- Bandit Angelfish
- Banggai Cardinalfish
- Blackcap Gramma
- Blackedged Swallowtail
- Blue-green Chromis
- Blue Damselfish
- Blue Reef Chromis
- Blueface Angelfish
- Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
- Burgess Butterflyfish
- Candyline Basslet
- Carpenter’s Flasher Wrasse
- Catfish
- Cherub (Pygmy) Angelfish
- Clarke’s Anemonefish
- Common Clownfish
- Cream Angelfish
- Domino Damselfish
- Eightline Wrasse
- Emperor Angelfish
- Fijian Blue and Gold Damselfish
- Fireball Dwarf Angelfish
- Flagfin (Threespot) Angelfish
- Flame Dottyback
- French Angelfish
- Golden Angelfish
- Golden Forktail
- Goldfish
- Goldflake Angelfish
- Hawaiian Spotted Pufferfish
- Humbug Aruanus
- Iridis Wrasse
- Kole (yellow-eyed) Tang
- Lamarck Angelfish
- Lemonpeel Dwarf Angelfish
- Leopard Wrasse
- Majestic Angelfish
- Maldive Anemonefish
- Maldive Velvet Fairy Wrasse
- Maroon Anemonefish
- Milletseed Butterflyfish
- Orange Skunk Anemonefish
- Ornate Swallowtail Angelfish
- Pacific Fire Anemonefish
- Pacific Pearlscale Butterflyfish
- Pajama (sixline) Wrasse
- Pajama Cardinalfish
- Passer (King) Angelfish
- Percula Clownfish
- Pink Skunk Anemonefish
- Potter’s Dwarf Angelfish
- Queen Angelfish
- Queensland Angelfish
- Queensland Dottyback
- Red Blotched Perchlet
- Red Candystripe Hogfish
- Red Sea Anemonefish
- Red Stripe Dwarf Angelfish
- Regal Angelfish
- Rock Beauty
- Royal Gramma
- Scribbled Angelfish
- Semicircle Angelfish
- Sharpnosed Possum Wrasse
- Skunk Tilefish
- Spotband Butterflyfish
- Spotted Coral Croucher
- Sunburst Butterflyfish
- Swissguard Basslet
- Tomato Anemonefish
- Tomini Bristletooth Tang
- Valentini Pufferfish
- Vermiculated Angelfish
- Yellow-tailed Blue Damselfish
- Yellow Swallowtail Angelfish