What are some of the different species of Python like?
The Ball Python grows to 3-5 feet long and lives up to 40 years. It is docile and easy to handle, but best to get a Ball Python bred in captivity. It will roll itself into a ball to avoid danger. A 30-40 gallon tank does well. Be sure it’s secure to prevent escape. A heating pad at one end of the tank will provide a hot spot of about 90 degrees. Temperature in the tank should be about 70 degrees. Daily misting is necessary and 75 percent humidity provided in the tank. Branches, rocks and hiding places should be provided in the enclosure. There should be a large water dish for soaking especially when the snake sheds. Diet is pre-killed mice or small to medium rats every week or every other week.
The Burmese Python grows to 15-20 feet and can weigh 100-200 lbs. They are generally docile and can be tamed with regular handling. They are dangerous when being fed, so caution is advised. As with all snakes, when handling or feeding, have another person with you for safety. The Burmese Python needs a very large, tall, strong tank that is very secure to prevent escape. You can provide branches, hiding places and damp sphagnum moss for humidity in the enclosure. Adults eat mice, rats and rabbits.
Coastal Carpet Pythons are native to Australia. Adult length can be 8-12 feet. They can be high strung, but if handled early and regularly, will calm down. The enclosure should include branches to climb on, hiding places and a large water bowl. The diet is a pre-killed rodent every 10-14 days.
Jungle Carpet Python adults grow to a length of 6-7 feet. They are generally docile except at feeding time, so be alert and cautious. They require a 40 gallon tall tank with branches as they like to sleep high up. A large water bowl should be provided. They eat pre-killed rodents. Adults will feed on 1-2 rats a week.
The Green Tree Python, also known as Chondro, is native to Northern Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. These pythons are nocturnal and like the rain forests and places with low-lying vegetation. It grows to about 3-7 feet. Color is bright green with pastel shadings. It’s best not to handle this snake. The Green Tree Python likes to wrap around branches, so may not need a very large enclosure although they do enjoy exploring. Hiding places and high humidity are necessary. Daily misting should be provided, especially during shedding time and a 60-85 percent humidity maintained. The diet is pre-killed rats every 10-14 days, best fed with a long tong for your safety. It’s best to purchase captive-bred snakes as the wild adults often have parasites that need immediate attention.
The Reticulated Python is the longest snake in the world and is native to Southeast Asia. Females can reach 18 feet. They can be tame, but become aggressive at feeding time. The enclosure should be 3 meters long, tall and very secure.You can provide branches, plants, rocks and hiding places in the enclosure. These snakes need high humidity, so misting regularly is recommended. Adults eat large rats or a rabbit every 3-4 weeks. Only people experienced in reptiles should have this snake as a pet.