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Why Are Tropical Birds So Colorful?
Tropical birds are so popular as pets because of their beautiful colorful plumage. Why do they have such colorful feathers? There are actually a few reasons. Colors help male birds attract females As they are unable to buy chocolate or jewelry, male birds attract the females with colors. Which in many ways turns the question […]
Choosing a Parakeet
Parakeets are also known as Budgerigars (Budgies) in their native Australia. Parakeets are lively, friendly birds that can live about 13 years with proper care. Choosing a parakeet requires some observation. Watch the birds in the cage. You can tell which ones are more active, less timid and even try to perform for you. If […]
What to Do if You Find an Injured Bird
The Bird Care & Conservation Society of South Australia provides guidelines on how to treat an injured or distressed bird: Do: Handle the bird carefully, for your sake and his. Take the bird away from possible sources of dangers such as other animals and extreme weather conditions. Provide a warm protected environment for the bird, […]