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About Spaying or Neutering
Female cats and dogs can reproduce as early as 6 months old. The heat cycles are up to 4 times a year for cats and twice a year for dogs. Males reach “puberty” from 6-9 months old. Males that have not been neutered can demonstrate behavioral problems such as becoming territorial and aggressive. Female cats […]
Viral Papillomas in Dogs
Small, circular skin tumors known commonly as warts are caused by the papilloma virus. The virus has a 1-2 month incubation period and can be transmitted to other dogs through direct contact with a lesion. It CANNOT be transmitted to humans or other animals. It is very rare that the warts become cancerous. These wart-like […]
Excessive Panting in Dogs
Dogs normally pant, especially when they are excited, after exercise, during hot weather. Panting helps a dog cool down. But if there is a change in your dog’s normal panting – it becomes heavy or prolonged – it could be an indication of something serious. Obesity can play a role in a dog’s heavy panting. […]