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Saint Bernard
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Switzerland Group: Working dog Height: males 27 in. minimum, females 25 in. minimum Weight: 120-200 lbs. Life span: 8-10 yrs. Trainability: high Good with children: yes but take care with toddlers due to size of dog Good with other pets: usually, with early socialization February’s dog of the Month This […]
Why Dogs Protect Their Paws
We humans take our feet and hands for granted unless they begin to ache. But consider what having feet and hands does for us. Feet give us mobility and balance. Hands enable us to hold items and other humans, protect ourselves, eat, clean ourselves and perform dozens of other tasks. A dog’s paws aid them […]
Burgess Butterflyfish
Both males and females measure 4.7 in. Surgeonfish and Tangs may act aggressively. Tank size is minimum of 80 gal. Found in Indonesia, Philippines and Palau. List of Fish Andaman Damselfish Arabian (Orange) Dottyback Asful (Arabian) Angelfish Australian Anemonefish Bandit Angelfish Banggai Cardinalfish Blackcap Gramma Blackedged Swallowtail Blue-green Chromis Blue Damselfish Blue Reef Chromis Blueface […]