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Do Dogs Recognize Human Faces
We know that dogs can recognize the emotions we show on our faces, but can they also recognize individual humans. Dogs use their incredible senses of scent and sound to study the world around them. They can easily pinpoint who we are by our scent, but what about recognizing us by our faces alone. In […]
Safe Plants and Woods for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs
The ASPCA offers lists of what rabbits and guinea pigs can and can’t eat. Here are some plants they CAN eat: Alfalfa, basil, borage, checkweed, coltsfoot, dandelion, goldenrod, green clover, groundsel, mallow, plantain, yarrow, asters, marigolds, nasturtiums, sunflowers and sweet peas. These are some plants that are toxic and they CANNOT eat: Buttercups, deadly nightshade, […]
Water Toxicity in Dogs
It’s hard to believe, but your dog can actually drink too much water. Water intoxication, while rare, can cause hyponatremia, a condition which can be life-threatening due to low sodium levels. Playing in the water for long periods, drinking from hoses and sprinklers too long can be hazardous to your dog. When too much water […]