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Do Birds Make Good Pets?
Birds make excellent pets, especially for people whose lifestyle precludes owning dogs or cats. If your living situation makes it difficult to walk a dog and you’re looking for a companionable pet, consider a bird. Birds are great companions and many of them can be taught to talk. Birds are highly intelligent and learn quickly. […]
Potential Life-saving Dog Collar
Named “The Dog Caller,” this collar has a SIM card, thermistor to monitor temperatures around the dog, LEDs and a coded chip. This new high-tech collar could warn you when your dog is overheating. When temperatures reach a point that is too high for safety, a signal is sent to you, the owner, alerting you […]
Famous Veterinarians
James Herriot was the pen name of James Alfred Wight, a Scottish veterinarian who was born in 1916. In 1969 Wight wrote If Only They Could Talk, the first of the now-famous series based on his life working as a vet. This book and some of his other stories were collected in a book called […]