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Goldflake Angelfish
The Goldflake Angelfish, also known as the Gold-spangled or Gold-spotted Angelfish, is an extremely beautiful fish. It has a colorful spot around its mouth and gold spots all over its body. Males are 10 in., females slightly smaller. It is found in the tropical Pacific Ocean. This fish is capable of taking care of itself; […]
Whisker Fatigue in Cats
Sounds weird, but whisker fatigue is actually a condition that affects some cats. At the tip of each whisker there is a sensory organ called a proprioceptor. The proprioceptors send messages to the cat’s brain and nervous system. A cat’s whiskers are so sensitive that they can even register slight changes in air currents. Whiskers […]
Necessity of Biopsies
When there is a mass or abnormality present in the body of your pet and x-rays don’t reveal their nature, a biopsy needs to be performed. Before performing a biopsy, the veterinarian will check your pet’s health and take x-rays, blood test and check heart. There are a number of methods used to perform a […]