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Compulsive Behavior in Horses
Compulsive behavior in horses is called cribbing. It is an act that repetitive and mindless. The horse will use his incisors to press down on a gate, fence post, stall board, gulp in air with an arched neck and make a belching sound. If a horse exhibits this type of behavior, it means he’s not […]
Positive Training
We talk a lot about positive training for dogs (cats and other animals, too) but what exactly does it mean. Who doesn’t enjoy being praised for a job well done. Our pets thrive on praise and of course, food too. Positive reinforcement is offering praise and/or treats for your pet’s positive behavior. That’s what positive […]
Do Dogs Have Phobias
A phobia is an irrational, exaggerated fear of something. An instinct is a natural or inborn impulse or tendency. And yes, dogs do have phobias. Fearful behavior can be the result of a phobia. Dogs can be phobic about thunderstorms, any loud noises, cars, bathtime, the veterinarian. Phobias usually develop when a dog has had […]