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Treating Wounds – Pets
Common wounds occur when your pet is bitten by another dog or cat, accidentally steps on something that causes a wound on the feet, or it may be a body wound. If there is bleeding check to see where the blood is coming from. Put a sterile pad over the wound and bind it tightly. […]
Cancer in Small Pets
Guinea Pigs, gerbils, hamsters, rats and mice can all develop cancer, particularly as they age. They are prone to all types of cancer, bone cancer, skin cancer, internal organ cancers. Spaying the female of the species acts as a preventive of some types of cancer. Removal of tumors with surgery is well tolerated by these […]
Should You Change a Parrot’s Name
According to research at Cornell Labs of Ornithology at Cornell University, birds have “signature contact calls” meaning that each bird has its own sound or name. Baby parrots listening to their parents, adopt their own names using similar but not the same sounds. Birds that are not raised do not have the opportunity to create […]