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Does Your Horse Have Stable Stress
We know what stress can do to us, physically and emotionally. Horses react the same way we do to stress. Chronic stress can take its toll on a horse’s mind and body affecting its ability to fight off disease and general health. Horses are flight animals. That is they run from trouble if possible and […]
Bringing Your Dog to a Picnic
The beautiful days of summer allow us and our furry friends to spend more time outdoors. Picnics provide good times for all ages – good company, good food, fun and games. When planning a picnic in your backyard or attending one in a park, following some simple suggestions can make it an enjoyable event for […]
Tick-Borne Babesiosis
Babesiosis is another of the major tick-borne diseases. It is similar to malaria in that it can recur intermittently. The Babesia Canis can be found throughout the world. The major carrier is the brown dog tick which transfers the disease to another animal through its saliva when it bites. The tick carries the disease when […]