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Display your expertise and professionalism by showing the customer that you care about them and the pets and supplies that you sell. Customer Service: All employees are the face of a business and are key to molding a customer’s initial impression. • Keep an eye out for customers who look confused or are in need […]
Using Everyday Words Relating to Cats
Here are some words we humans use in conversation that we probably don’t even thing about. But did you ever wonder how they all began? Copycat The origin of this word is unknown. But it is believed to have been used long before it was noted in 1887 in the book by Constance Cary Harrison, […]
Halloween Pet Safety
Halloween is near, a time for children and adults too, to dress up in costumes (and sometimes their pets) and go out Trick or Treating. Sadly, veterinarians tell us that this time of year they see many more injured and mutilated animals. There are people out there who have no regard for living creatures. So […]