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Animal Rights and Your Food
Modern agriculture’s factory farm system often involves cruelty to animals. The factory farms focus on maximum output with minimum input. As a result, animals are often confined to small spaces, fed drugs to fatten them up, transported in terrible conditions and genetically altered. Chickens raised for their flesh, or “broilers,” are kept in overcrowded sheds […]
Train Your Cat to Sleep at Night
Most cats in the wild, big and small, hunt at night. This behavior has been passed down to our pet cats, sometimes much to our regret. Often a cat will decide that midnight is the perfect time to play and start the day. And who better to choose as a partner, but you as you […]
Cancer in Dogs
I’m going to begin with cancer because my lovely Timo, a Rottweiler mix, has osteosarcoma, bone cancer. It was discovered quite by accident, as she showed no signs of illness. One day, the beginning of December 2008,Timo and my German Shepherd, Quanah, were playing when Quanah accidentally stepped on Timo’s right front leg. Timo let […]