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How Were Breeds Named
Have you ever wondered how breed names came about? Some are obvious such as those named for their places of origin. Others are named for the person who developed them, the breed’s job and still others were inspired names. Here are some examples. Cairn Terrier – Called cairns in Scotland (home to this terrier), they […]
Communicating With a Dog
There are dos and don’ts when interacting with a dog. They can make a big difference in how a dog responds to you, particularly a dog who is stressed or frightened. Whether it’s your dog or meeting a strange dog, it’s important to understand dog/human ways of communication. Never force a dog to come to […]
Physical Aids for Dogs
Sometimes our beloved companions suffer illnesses, accidents or just the infirmities of old age. There are aids available to ease their pain and discomfort. There are also many safety supports and healing supports for pets. The cruciate ligament helps to hold the knee joint together. When this ligament is torn there is pain and swelling […]