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Simple And Effective Dog Training Tips
Dog training offers dog owners an easy way to teach their dog obedience and good pet manners. Before you choose a dog training course and get started on the road to perfect pet obedience. If you are a dog owner, chances are that you have contemplated dog training for your dog or have in fact […]
Training Your Dog in Case of Fire
Dogs often warn their family of a fire in the home, but sadly are often left behind. They sometimes are too fearful of leaving the place they think of as a safe haven no matter how dangerous it is in a disaster. Just as you train your dog to sit, come, stay, etc. you can […]
The Importance of Leashing Your Dog
Leashing your dog – a subject close to my heart. When you leash your dog, it’s an important part of teaching that you are the pack leader. And you have control of your dog when leashed. I’ve heard many stories from people who tell me of their off-leash dogs that would never disobey a command. […]