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What’s New in Cancer Treatment for Cats
Although cancer is the leading cause of death in cats, they cannot be treated safely with many of the chemotherapy agents available to dogs and humans. But as is the case for dogs and other pets, there is hope as research continues. The Morris Animal Foundation is funding a study at Cornell University by veterinarian, […]
Aspirin for Dogs with Arthritis Pain
Many times when our pets are in pain, we tend to turn toward medications and remedies that are familiar to us as humans. For instance, aspirin has long been a medication known to relieve minor pain. But over recent years, we’ve learned more and more about the risks involved with aspirin use and these risks […]
Constipation in Cats
On average, cat have one or two bowel movements daily. A sign of constipation is when a cat strains to defecate and little, dry hard feces, watery feces or no feces result. Constipation can be due to an underlying condition such as a foreign object obstructing the colon, dehydration, medications, diet, injuries, a tumor and […]