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Seasonal Changes in Horse Nutrition
A horse’s nutrition needs vary a bit with the change in seasons. Feeding your horse an appropriate diet is essential to his/her good health. Spring brings new growth in plants and grass. Horses, particularly those who are usually not out in pasture, should be allowed at first to graze for an hour, increasing the time […]
Curbing Your Bird’s Hormonal Changes
Ah Spring – and with it comes love and the breeding season. Birds know well before we do when spring is coming. Sometimes they begin some odd behaviors due to the increase in hormones and the need to reproduce. There are some things you can do to keep your bird on an even keel and […]
Overcoming Resistance to Chemo in Canine OSA
Canada’s Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph with the aid of Pet Trust awards is researching cancer cell resistance to chemotherapy in canine osteosarcoma (OSA). OSA is a very aggressive and painful form of bone cancer. Even with aggressive treatments, OSA can spread rapidly to the lungs and other organs. Prognosis is poor for most […]