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Recall-Another Nature’s Deli Jerky
The FDA is warning people not to feed their pets Nature’s Deli Chicken Jerky Dog Treats with lot code BESTBY 061913DEN due to salmonella contamination. In September 2012, a sample of the product tested by the Colorado Department of Agriculture was found positive for salmonella. The treats are made, packaged and distributed by Kasel Associates […]
National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week
The Humane Society of the United States has set aside the week of November 7-13 as National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week. The celebration this special week was begun in 1996 by HSUS to promote the role played by shelters, giving strays and unwanted animals the care and protection they need. The HSUS wants people to […]
Grass and Your Bird
Most wild birds enjoy eating grass. And they eat every part of it including any bug who is unlucky enough to be found in the tufts of grass or its roots. Grass has more uses than just food. Birds use grass to build or line their nests. They play toss the stalk with each other. […]