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HSUS on Sharks and Bulls
On Friday, October 7th, 2011, Governor Jerry Brown of California signed legislation banning the sale and possession of shark fins in the Golden State. Defenders of the cruel activity of shark fin fishing claim that as it is mainly Chinese-Americans who consume shark fin soup, that the legislation is racist. Most Chinese-Americans support the actions […]
Asian Water Monitor
The Asian Water Monitor (varanus salvator) is a challenge to keep as pet even for herpers used to handling lizards. Herpers are people involved with reptiles and amphibians. It comes from the word herpetology which is the study of reptiles and amphibians. This lizard’s native habitat is southern Asia from India east to the […]
Happy Tail Syndrome
Dogs use their tails as part of communicating their feelings. Their happy greetings lift our spirits too. Some dogs seem so happy-go-lucky, their tails never stop wagging. But this excitement can lead to injury, sometimes serious, known as Happy Tail Syndrome or Kennel Tail. A tail that is rapidly wagging can meet a hard enough […]