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Adopting a Pet After a Loss
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was a psychiatrist who dealt with death and dying and introduced what is known as the the 5 stages of grief. Denial – shock and numbness Anger – rage at everyone and everything and pain beyond belief Bargaining – promising to do anything to spare a loved one or bring them back, “if […]
Crucial Animal Transport & Relocation Tips to Abide By
This Guest post is written by Mandy Bular, she is a freelance writer. She has written a unique and very interesting article on various categories such as Travel, Lifestyle, Health and currently associated as a blogger with various industries.
Zoonoses are diseases which can be transmitted from animals to humans or from humans to animals (sometimes called reverse zoonoses). Most pets can transmit certain diseases to human beings. Some animal diseases which affect humans are Rabies, Ringworm, Tuberculosis and Cat Scratching Disease, Psittacosis, Leptospirosis. Salmonella is also frequently carried from animal to human. Humans […]