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Aspirin for Dogs with Arthritis Pain
Many times when our pets are in pain, we tend to turn toward medications and remedies that are familiar to us as humans. For instance, aspirin has long been a medication known to relieve minor pain. But over recent years, we’ve learned more and more about the risks involved with aspirin use and these risks […]
A Film Called “Noah”
“Noah” a film starring Russell Crowe, is an epic about the biblical tale of the Flood. It is also a story of belief, courage, sacrifice and hope. The director of the film, Darren Aronofsky, is a recipient of the HSUS Humane Filmmaker Award because instead of using live exotic animals that could be stressed or […]
English Lop Rabbit
Developed in England in the 19th century, the English Lop is thought to be the first lop rabbit bred by man. It is also one of the oldest domestic breeds of rabbit. It is a member of the Smei-Arch Body Type. English Lops weigh about 11 lbs. full-grown. Life span is 5 years and more. […]