Atlanta’s Channel 2 Action News investigator, Jim Strickland, has discovered that the number of dog deaths reported by owners due to administering Trifexis exceeds cases involving Chinese jerky treats.
Elanco, the manufacturer of Trifexis has asked Mr. Strickland to turn over his information to them.
Mr. Strickland then filed a Freedom of Information request with the FDA to turn over their data. The information showed that since Trifexis has been on the market, every 36 hours a different dog owner has reported that the medication killed their dog.
Trifexis is the most popular medication dispensed against fleas and heartworm.
Dr. Stephen Connell of Elanco made the following statement: “Everything we have on file is within expectations. We remain convinced that the value and benefit of this product still far exceeds the rare risk of these things happening, as unfortunate as they are.” Elanco is required by law to report deaths and illnesses to the FDA.
Dog owner Chris Smith is unconvinced and believes Trifexis killed his dog Kinzie, an agility trained athlete. Kinzie died 3 hours after receiving her first dose of Trifexis. A necropsy was performed showing hemorrhaging from several organs.
Mr. Strickland originally reported 31 deaths to the FDA. An FDA spokesperson told Strickland the numbers haven’t been updated due to work being done on the system. While reported deaths are 700, the number of illnesses after administration of Trifexis is much higher.
It’s important to check with your veterinarian to see what other options are available against fleas and heartworm. Trifexis is suspected of causing illness and death, but it has not yet been proven although indications seem to point that way.
Any death from taking a medication that is supposed to help is unacceptable – certainly 700 deaths and countless illnesses are unreasonable.