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Dogs and Ancient Burials
As pet parents, we mourn the loss of our pets as we consider them part of the family. When a beloved dog dies, many of us choose to bury him/her in a special place, perhaps with some of the articles s/he loved. But we in modern times, are not the only ones to share these […]
Akita Inu
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Japan Group: Spitz type Height: 24-26 inches Weight: 75- 119 lbs Life span: 11 – 15 yrs. Trainability: moderate Good with children: yes Good with other pets: may be aggressive What is the origin of the Akita? The Akita comes from the island of Honshu in the Akita region in […]
HSUS Investigation of Horse Soring
The practice of horse soring is when the hooves and lower leg areas are intentionally injured in order to cause the horse pain and distress. This cruel treatment is in order to make the horse step higher than natural in shows. This exaggerated gait gives owners and trainers more of an advantage in winning. The […]