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Can Cats and Birds Live Together?
In some instances, cats and birds can live together. Much depends on the cat’s personality and how high the prey drive is. Cats are predators, birds are prey. If you take the time and have patience, you might be able to teach them to tolerate each other. It’s advisable though to take precautions. Try putting […]
Doggie Licks and Kisses
Some of you will say yuck to the very thought of a dog kiss while others believe it’s a wonderful way to show affection to a loved pet. Contrary to a popular myth, dog’s licking our wounds will not make them heal quicker nor is a dog’s mouth cleaner than a human’s. Just think about […]
Adenovirus is a contagious virus that affects all mammals, humans and their pets, and birds. There are two types, 1 and 2, Type 1 being the more serious as it attacks the liver causing it to hemorrhage which can result in shock and death. Type 2 can cause respiratory infection and if left untreated, pneumonia. […]