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Why Do Cats Like Fish?
Historical accounts claim that the Egyptians, the first people to domesticate cats, lured them into their homes with offers of fish. That’s supposed to be how they developed the taste for fish. Anyone with a fish tank often observes the pet cat, tail twitching, stalking the fish. Cats are obligate carnivores meaning they must eat […]
Chaining and Tethering Dogs
Have you ever walked past an area with a sad-looking dog chained or tied up? Dogs are social animals and need the company of humans. They want to be part of the family and belong in the home with you. There are times when it may be necessary if a yard isn’t fenced or as […]
Riding Behaviors on the Trail
Here are some suggestions from horse behavior experts on correcting problems that may arise while trail riding. Barn Sour – Because horses are herd animals, they may be reluctant to leave the barn and their pals. Lead your horse out of the barn to the point where s/he becomes nervous. Make sure it’s a safe […]