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Aegean cat
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Greece Coat Type: semi-longhaired, thicker at ruff and tail Color: bi-or tri-colored always with white Temperament: active, intelligent, communicative Cat of the Month for February A Greek native, this cat is their best method of pest control. What is the origin of the Aegean Cat? The Aegean cat is a […]
Queen Angelfish
The Queen Angelfish is a moderately difficult fish to keep and not recommended for beginners. It is native to the Western Atlantic and the Caribbean. This fish spends most of its time out in the open and is awake during the day and rests at night. Males and females are both 18 in. Other angelfish […]
Headphones for Horses
That old saying “music soothes the savage beast” could be true for our horses. Although they are not savage beasts, listening to music has proven to relieve stress in horses as well as humans. Research has shown that horses are not fans of Rock n’ Roll or Heavy Metal, but prefer classical music or country, […]