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How can I save my pets when disaster hits?
9/11 and Hurricane Katrina have made us all think about what to do for our pets when disasters strike. Preparedness in the face of fires, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, etc. will help increase chances of survival for us and our pets. Please make every effort to take your pets with you in the event of a […]
Mi Ki
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: United States Group: Toy Dogs, Companion Dogs Height: up to 11 in. Weight: 6-7 lbs. Life span: well into the teens Trainability: high Good with children: yes Good with other pets: yes What is the origin of Mi Ki? The Mi Ki (pronounced me key) is a rare American breed […]
Health Issues with White Cats
White cats enjoy a special admiration because of their snowy coats that seem to sparkle. Their names often reflect their coloring and include Snowball, Caspar (for the ghost) and Puff (for powderpuffs). But along with their beauty, some problems can arise. They may have genetic defects caused by a deterioration of the inner ear. They […]