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The wild animals of Afghanistan include more than 100 mammal species and more than 380 bird species. Many of Afghanistan’s animals are in danger of extinction. The most seriously endangered animals are the goitered gazelle, leopard, snow leopard, markor goat, and Bactrian deer. Birds are hunted widely and many species are becoming endangered as well. […]
French Heartworm
There are several types of worms that can infect our pets. Angiostrongylus vasorum known also as lungworm and French heartworm is a parasite that can live and infect the pulmonary arteries and right ventricle of the heart of wild and domestic canines – wolves, foxes, coyotes and dogs. It was discovered in Toulouse, France in […]
Feeding a Horse During Droughts
Drought conditions sometimes occur, but can be predicted. You can prepare your horse beforehand by helping him/her to adjust gradually. Before pastures dry and prices of hay rise, stock up on quality hay. Purchasing hay by the ton means you’re getting the right weight for the price you pay. If you buy bales, try to […]