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A Dog Named Fido
Latin dictionaries define the name Fido as meaning “to trust, believe, confide in”. Books describing origins of names say that Fido means “I am faithful.” All apt descriptions of dogs. Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, esteemed for preserving the Union and ending slavery, was a pet lover as well. Lincoln often recovered […]
Older Adults Build Better Relationships with Older Pets
Aging News Alert just published this story written by Flexpet creator, Tamer Elsafy, regarding the effects senior pets can have on senior citizens. It’s a great story about the health benefits to seniors who own an age appropriate pet. Check it out HERE. Facebook Comments Box
How do I keep my garden Pet-safe?
The first thing to do is clear your yard/garden of any material that is harmful to your pet if chewed or may injure your pet. Keep garbage and compost heaps away from any area your pet plays in. Rotted food can make your pet ill. Check the fence to make sure it is secure – […]