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Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex
An Eosinophil is a type of white blood cell that responds to allergic reactions or parasites. A granuloma is a solid lump of inflammatory cells. There are 3 different skin conditions called Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex, not all of which are granulomas or contain eosinophils. EGC is rare in dogs and more commonly seen in cats […]
Strollers for Pets
Strollers can be a convenient way to take your pet outdoors. They are very useful if your pet is handicapped, has arthritis, is a senior citizen, is a cat, has had recent surgery. Small pets often tire easily when walking long distances and carrying your pet is not always comfortable. The type of stroller depends […]
Smelly Dogs
Everything has a smell, sometimes pleasant or at least not offensive, other times, not so nice. Dogs (humans too) have what’s considered normal odors produced through sweat glands. But when the odor is objectionable, it’s time to look for the cause. There are a number of reasons why your dog is smelly. Bad breath can […]